War Room Monthly Q&A Clinic

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Thank you for joining War Room Virtual Mastermind Q&A with Jay Abraham. We hope you will get massive value from Jay's insights each month.

We have gathered some helpful information to prepare you for the opportunities ahead...


Call Schedule:

Below we provide the calendar dates for each upcoming call and the registration link to the next month. Please click the link to register for the current month’s call. 

Please note dates may change due to Jay’s schedule, but we will always give you advanced warning. The registration link for each month will not change, even if the date changes. So you can register once and stay informed of all updates related to each call.

2019 Dates

2020 Dates

  • January 16
  • February 12
  • March 12
  • April 8
  • May 13
  • June 17
  • July 15
  • August 12
  • September 16
  • October 14
  • November 18
  • December 16

Call Logistics:


Here are a few more important details you should know before your first call:

  • You will receive a Preparation Email with a Question Submission Form approximately one week prior to each call.
    • If your pre-submitted question form is incomplete or unclear, we may request more details before we accept it for the live call.
    • On the call, Jay or the moderator will call on you to present your question. Again, you may be asked to further elaborate so please be prepared.
    • If you are not on the call or are uncomfortable presenting your question live, the moderator will ask your question on your behalf.
    • All participants are muted until called on by the moderator.
  • All calls are recorded and emailed to you to listen again at your convenience.


Call Duration:

Calls are scheduled in two-hour blocks. Actual call times may vary depending on the number and quality of questions submitted for each call. For example, if we only receive four questions, the call may only last 30-45 minutes. But, if pre-submitted questions surpass our two-hour block, we WILL schedule an overflow session (at no additional cost) to make sure Jay addresses all pre-submitted questions.


How to Ask YOUR Questions:

Now, we want to give you a head start on the fun stuff…

The most important part of this series is the ability to be able to interact with Jay.  So, to help you get the most of your time with him, we ask all participants to pre-submit their questions. This is to make sure you are prepared and focused when Jay calls on you.

Here is the best, most efficient, and consistent format to use when posing your question to Jay during a call:


  1. (My/Our) industry is_________.
  2. (My/Our) clients are_________.
  3. (I/We) sell them_________.
  4. (I/We) market by_________.
  5. (My/Our) biggest issue/untapped opportunity is_________.


We want everyone to receive the most value from this interaction. So, here are a few study resources to help you craft better and more provocative questions:

How to Get the Most Out of Asking Critical Business Questions

How to Submit a Provocative Question to Jay

That’s it! Pretty simple and straightforward…


If you have questions about the calls, your sessions, or anything else please email Sani Nielsen (sani@abraham.com) and she will respond to you as quickly as possible.

Foundation Resources

Below are foundation resources that Jay often refers to when discussing strategy, concepts, and idea. Any resources that Jay speaks about during a live call will be emailed with the call replays as those resources are specific to the questions posed during that session.

We hope you enjoy these resources and continue your business growth during this series.

  1. Critical Thinking & Socratic Interviewing
  2. Compilation of 10,000 Killer Headlines(zip)
  3. The Power Parthenon and 3 Ways to Grow a Business
  4. Jay Abraham's Marketing Contracts