The China Connection

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Module 1

  • 9 ways a business gets stuck and what to do about it
  • The difference/implications between being strategic vs. tactical

Module 2

  • More on the 9 ways a business gets stuck and what to do about it
  • How to properly target the market to sell more
  • Jay Abraham Key philosophies for strategy/sales/marketing
  • The 3 ways to grow your business
  • The Power Parthenon for geometric business growth
  • Building a sales force the proper way
  • Critical thinking and how it can help your business
  • The 9 drivers of exponential growth
  • Consultative advisory selling and how to do it effectively
  • How to discover and maximize what is already working for you
  • Copywriting done the right way

Module 3

  • How to achieve unlimited business growth without any investment
  • Real life case studies of working with relational capital
  • Understanding and implementing the power of relational capital
  • Strategic alliances. How to find them and form them the right way
  • Joint ventures, when, why, how, and where

Module 4

  • Performance enhancements to apply in different parts of your business
  • How to exponentially multiply what is working right now
  • Understanding the minds of your audience deeply
  • How to go about prospecting for more clients
  • The 5 stages of the buying process and how to apply them
  • The importance of optimization and how to do it properly

Module 5

  • Q&A With Jay. Listen to Jay resolve issues, find opportunities, and shift the minds of the callers to create real life business breakthroughs

Module 6

  • How to build long term trust with your clients, vendors, prospects, and everyone you deal with
  • Q&A With Jay. Listen to Jay resolve issues, find opportunities, and shift the minds of the callers to create real life business breakthroughs

Module 7

  • How to deal strategically and cost effectively in markets that are rapidly changing
  • How to deal with online businesses that compete with offline businesses
  • Revitalizing old brands and establishing credibility in the current or changing marketplace
  • Key strategies for dealing with marketplace competition
  • How to grow a business in a bad economy

Module 8

  • How to build raving fans for your products or services
  • How to harness the power of crowdfunding
  • 22 of Jay's strategies to make any business more successful

Module 9

  • A deep dive discussion on the power of developing strategic thinking
  • More on The Power Parthenon for geometric business growth
  • Analyzing data for business growth
  • Maximization and optimization of different aspects of your sales and marketing

Module 10

  • The important factors of closing a sale
  • How to establish relationship criteria for getting more referrals

Module 11

  • How to grow your business during challenging economic times
  • Universal elements you must apply to your business to stay competitive
  • How to ensure your current and past clients buy again and again
  • Advanced ways of growing your business
  • More deep dive Q&A With Jay. Jay delivers real world business breakthroughs for the various businesses of the guests

Module 12

  • The importance of trust building and how to do it the right way
  • How to become a Maven to amplify your marketing efforts
  • Understanding and applying The Strategy Of Preeminence
  • Another Q&A session with Jay. Listen to Jay find opportunities and dive deep into various businesses to uncover hidden pockets of profit

Module 13

  • The best practices for prospecting – and what not to do
  • More thought provoking Q&A With Jay