Reshaping Your Business Future

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Call Recordings

Introductory Call

As we journey into this collaborative and transformative experience together, Jay announced that it would be most valuable to allocate the time on this first call to learning about each other's businesses and objectives.

This is a value-added call and will not count as part of the 26-week program.

Our first official session will be held on January 27th, 2015.

Enjoy this call as Jay meets the attendees one-by-one and asks them the following five key questions:

  1. What kind of business are you in?
  2. What is your target market?
  3. What is the main way you reach your market?
  4. What do you want most out of this 26-week experience?
  5. What is one insight or success tip from your business history that has been valuable to you that will also be of value to everyone else in the group?

[NOTE: A few "Reshaping" clients were not able to communicate with Jay when they were called upon.  We are in the process of contacting each and everyone who was not on the call to gather their responses and make them available to you.]

Call 1

In THIS session we take the foundation of my book,“The Sticking Point Solution,” and we examine the nine current ways many businesses get stuck, stagnate, stall, suffocate or suppress the growth they deserve—and how to counteract each one of those “sticking points.”

This will be ultra-fast-paced, no-nonsense—highly relevant to virtually everyone in the group (since almost everyone is stuck one place or another and doesn’t even know it; nor do they recognize the signs.)


Additional Resources from Jay:

  1. Jay Interviews Phil Jackson
  2. Jay's Take on Phil Jackson
  3. Master Of Passive Income
  4. 93 Referral Systems (Revised)
  5. 93 Referral Systems (Long)
  6. Study Notes from Michael King

Call 2

Positioning Power:How to open the door, set up the call, and position yourself /business more powerfully and effectively.

The Godfather Strategy:How to make prospective buyers offers they cannot refuse.

What’s In it For ME?:Grabbing their attention/interest right away!

Selling The Invisible: Selling intangibles or conceptual ideas.

How to Write Copy That Sells: Get ready for a copywriter “Mash-Up!”Multiple copywriters will answer the same questions I pose and then you’ll get a chance to do the same.

Headline Mastery:We’ll look at headlines in amazing ways no one else ever did—with gobs and oodles of examples!

Hiring And Directing Freelance Copywriters And Deal Makers: The ins and outs of getting “Monster Great”results!


Additional Resources from Jay:

  1. The Power Parthenon + 3 Ways Model
  2. 9 Drivers
  3. Mediocrity to Millions
  4. Abraham Mind Shift Challenge
  5. Template from Japanese program on relational capital
  6. Document/Audio on Achieving Greatness
  7. 100 greatest headlines ever written
  8. 37 different million dollar headlines
  9. Document for Insurance News
  10. Maven Marketing
  11. 12 strategy pillars
  12. Double O Matrix
  13. Mega partnering on relational capital
  14. Video Study Notes
  15. Study Notes from Michael King

Call 3

This is a special Q&A group call in which Jay answers your questions.


Additional Resources from Jay:

  1. Jay Interviews Phil Jackson
  2. Jay's Take on Phil Jackson
  3. Master Of Passive Income
  4. 93 Referral Systems (Revised)
  5. 93 Referral Systems (Long)
  6. Study Notes from Michael King

Call 16

Additional Resources from Jay:

  1. Study Notes From Michael King

Call 17

Additional Resources from Jay:

  1. Study Notes - Michael King

Call 18

Additional Resources from Jay:

  1. Special China Webinar Replay (Overall Performance Enhancers)
  2. Rich Shefren and Jay on How to Create Value in Your Market
  3. Jim Weldon Interview (Cleaned Up)
  4. Study Notes - Michael King

Books referenced on the call:

  1. The Obstacle is the Way – Ryan Holiday
  2. TILT – Niraj Dawar
  3. Joy Inc. – Richard Sheridan
  4. The Go Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business – Bob Burg
  5. You Were Born Rich – Bob Proctor
  6. Outliers – Malcom Gladwell
  7. BOLD – Peter H. Diamandis
  8. Excellence Now –Tom Peters
  9. Seven Habits of Highly Successful People – Stephen R. Covey
  10. Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got – Jay Abraham
  11. The Slight Edge - Jeff Olson
  12. Dot com Secrets - Russell Brunson
  13. Cultivating an Unshakable Character" by Jim Rohn

Call 22 - Bonus Call

Call 23

  1. Special Post From Jay Mentioned in call...

    Become the CEO of Your Life

    Start your transformation!

    Last week one of my clients, who I will call Luke Carbone, a SVP in a Fortune 500, told me something that stunned me. He said the work we did together was a world apart from “executive coaching” and he referred to it as “The Transformation.” He said it was the single most powerful thing that has happened to him in his entire career.

    I was thrilled to hear such a comment, but wanted to know more and asked him to explain what he meant by the comment. He said, “Robert, there is one thing in particular you said that keeps coming back to me over and over again. You told me to be the CEO of my own life.”

    He elaborated, “The moment that I heard this idea, it struck a chord in me. I started thinking of myself as a CEO who had the power to rewrite my future, rather than just accept the default future that was coming at me. It caused me to give up the belief in my own powerlessness… give up the frustrating situation I was dealing with at work. I also started to look at my life as a company. As the CEO of that company, how was I performing? Was I a great performer or mediocre? I saw I wasn’t acting like the CEO of my life and building a career in my ‘Area of Destiny,’ but rather like a good employee stuck in a holding pattern that was hard to escape from.”

    In sharing this idea of being the being the CEO of your life with many people I have connected with in LinkedIn, I have discovered that it can help almost anyone dramatically change their perception of their situation, stake out an Impossible Future, and start taking action on it.

    So what does it mean to be the CEO of your life?

    It’s a provocative statement, but I bet most people reading it don’t know exactly what it means. I like to say that being the CEO of your life means you are the top dog, the chief visionary and master strategist, the ultimate decision-maker, the ace of accountability, the one who is 100% accountable for the results that you produce.

    Peter Drucker was once asked what the CEO’s specific and unique role is. He answered that the CEO’s most important role is to create a meaningful outside that helps define what is possible, achievable, needed and wanted and then create a bridge to the inside of the company.

    As the CEO of your own life, it’s up to you to interpret what’s possibilities, the opportunities the “outside world” holds for a person like you based on big trends, the best companies (job) or start up opportunities, and then create a bridge to the “inside world” of your passions, talents, gifts, and interests.

    Unfortunately, most people are so focused on what’s going on internally, rather than externally, that they can’t see the forest through the trees. They are either self-obsessed, obsessed with their boss, or obsessed with what’s going on inside the company building that they miss the really big possibilities that exist.

    They don’t ask themselves the most important questions, like: Based on the latest trends, what CEOs of leading companies, given their strategic situation, would sell their children if I would go to work for them? What idea do I have for a great company nobody is building? What do I as a customer want to buy, but can’t find, that would be a great product or service for my company to offer?

    As the CEO of your life, are you building a winning company? Are you winning in your job and in your career?

    According to Alan Lafley of P&G, as the CEO of your life, you don’t have a boss. It’s up to you to establish a future direction, starting with thinking about a winning aspiration (goals and priorities). It’s also up to you to not only develop a strategy for reaching your winning aspirations, but to decide where you are going to play. Would it be better for you to invest your time mastering the inside game in your current organization? Or would it be better for you to invest your time in establishing an outside game?

    It’s also up to you to determine how you will win. For example: “being so brilliant at your job they can’t ignore you,” “creating a blueprint to a billion for your new company from the start,” “social networking in real life, rather than staying parked behind your computer.”

    One of the best things you can do as the CEO of your life is to find a coach who won’t settle for less.

    As the CEO of your life, you need to recognize that you can’t do it alone. You need a team of people to help you. When Erich Schmidt was asked what the best advice he ever got was, he said, “Find a coach to help you.”

    The problem, as Edgar Schein of MIT points out, we are born into a culture where an adult is not supposed to ask for help. You are supposed to know all the answers, even when starting out. However, some of the best CEOs—Larry Page of Google, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Elon Musk of Tesla—are creating a cultural island and hiring CEO whisperers that act as their most trusted adviser, masterful thinking partner, and chief sounding board. How about you?

    As the CEO of your life, it’s also up to find the right team of people who can help you succeed in your current job or who can help you start the company you want and make it super successful. As Jack Welch once said, “The team with the best players usually wins.” Having said that, it’s amazing how many business leaders I have met who have talked themselves into sticking with the team of people they already have, when it fact, they know on a vague, intuitive level that this team isn’t going to make it.

    I recently read Peter Thiel’s book Zero to One. He told a story about starting PayPal with a great team, a company he sold to eBay in less than ten years for one and a half billion dollars. The original team was composed of himself, now head of Plantar (one of the most successful venture capital firms in Silicon Valley one of the first investors in Facebook, which made him a multi billionaire), Elon Musk who founded Tesla, Reid Hoffman who founded LinkedIn, Russel Simmons who founded Yelp, and David Saks who founded Yammer. Each of these companies were soon to be worth over a billion dollars. Now that’s a team!

    As the CEO of your life, it’s entirely up to you to determine how much money you want to make and how you will do so. Thiele suggests applying the “power principle.” This doesn’t have anything to do with trying to climb to the top of the ladder in a big company over other bodies so you can wave a flag around and say, “I’m a vice president.” So what? Who cares?

    The power principle has to do with picking the right company to work for and the right team of people to work with. For example, graffiti artist, David Choe, was asked to paint the offices of Facebook in Palo Alto, California in 2005 and was offered the choice by then president Sean Parker of being paid a few thousand in cash or the equivalent in shares of stock. He took the stock, which today is worth close to a $668 billion.

    As the CEO of your life, you are responsible to manage your life in its completeness, not just one department or function. You are responsible for your personal life, professional life, health and well being. When was the last time you asked yourself, “How am I doing in each of these areas and in balancing the different parts to make a whole?”

    Finally, as the CEO of your life, you are responsible for any results that you produce, good, bad, or different. I would like to offer this one page strategic plan to help you in becoming the CEO of your life.


    As the CEO of your life, how are you performing? Are you living a life filled with vision and purpose, and are you making a difference that matters? Have you reached the level you aspire to in your organization, or have you hit a glass ceiling? Do you find that the world is beating a path to your doorstep or are you politely being ignored? Are you making the kind of money you want?

    As the CEO of your life, what is the mission statement of your company? Richard Branson has a very clear one, which he calls EBO: Everybody Better Off. He says, “I have always thought of every Virgin company as a group of people trying to help other people be better off.”

    What are your company’s strategic goals and priorities? Think of your core purpose and winning aspiration. What is going to be your top priority for this year? Getting promoted to the C-Suite? Starting a new company? Finding a new job? Build a great team? Break the year up in to four quarters, select one top priority for each quarter.

    Create a strategy that represents how to reach each priority. List each of the four priorities for the year. Then write down the biggest obstacle, or nut to crack in reaching it. Find a thinking partner and discuss how you will overcome that obstacle.

    How are your different departments doing? Is your professional life going great? Is your personal life suffering? Do you have a healthy diet and exercise program? How are you balancing all of these?

    Write and let me know what you think of this article, as well as how you are doing with this one page strategic plan.